Name: Black Supermacy-CN
Author: praeteritum
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
Tags: sidebar topbar
Supports top bar menu *: yes
Supports side bar menu *: yes
* depends on tags: topbar and sidebar
The RPC Authority Chinese Division Wiki Black Supremacy Chinese theme was created by Vizlox does not match any existing user name. It uses code from the Supremacy theme as a base, created by James Pitchford. The theme is also based on the unofficial RPC Authority Dark Theme Chrome extension, created by BobbyTheEvil, using code and other components of this theme.
The Black Supremacy Header Background was created by Logangreenjeans.
The RPC Authority Wiki Anomaly logo was designed by VolgunStrife.
Portions of this site are constructed from code courtesy of the SCP Wiki.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
RPC管理局目前使用的主题 Black Supremacy 的设计者为 Vizlox does not match any existing user name ,基于 James Pitchford 设计的 Supremacy 主题开发。此主题同样使用了 BobbyTheEvil 所设计名为 RPC Authority Dark Theme 的非官方 Chrome 拓展插件。
本网站目前使用的主题由 DrMarleak does not match any existing user name 与 Etinjat 基于 Black Supremacy 修改以适配中文。
管理局所使用 Black Supremacy 标题背景由 Logangreenjeans 创建。
管理局所使用的标志 Anomaly 由 VolgunStrife 设计。
RPC管理局的部分内容是由 SCP Wiki 提供的代码构建的。
此网站所使用的授权标准为 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 版权许可。
How to install
- go to: your wiki admin panel » appearance » themes
- choose External CSS theme
- supply the following URL as the CSS location
/* Black Supremacy [2020 Wikidot Theme] 由 DrMarleak 修改以适配 RPC管理局。 Created by Vizlox as the official RPC theme. Based on code from "Supremacy" created by James Pitchford, the "RPC Authority Dark Theme" Style created by Bobby The Evil, and the SCP Foundation Wiki "Sigma-9" theme and style which was designed by Aelanna. Thanks to MrPines for major bug fixes and code additions. Header Image created by Logangreenjeans The code for the sideTabview was adapted from code created by JimmyBoyHaha */ @charset "utf-8"; @import url(''); @import url(''); @import url(''); @import url(''); @import url(''); :root { /* PALLET SHEET */ --basic-border: 1px solid #666; --basic-border-color: #666; --dashed-border: 1px dashed #666; --thick-border: 2px solid #666; --element-border-radius: 2px; --primary-background: #1d2022; --secondary-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.15); --background-3: #191b1d; --background-4: #1f2125; --content-bar-background: #24272a; --primary-text-color: #3e6aa3; --nav-hover-background: #2d4975; /* BASE COLORS */ /* General Elements */ --text-color: #c0c0c0; --unmargined-color: var(--primary-text-color); --horizontal-rule-background: var(--basic-border-color); --horizontal-rule-secondary-background: #333; /* color of horizontal rules when they are inside of content panels and stuff */ --action-area-border: var(--dashed-border); --alert-info-border: var(--dashed-border); --owindow-border: var(--basic-border); --tags-border: var(--basic-border); --error-color: #f54242; --content-box-shadow-color: #191919; --content-box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px 1px var(--content-box-shadow-color); --show-changes-del-background: rgba(255,123,123,0.47); --show-changes-ins-background: rgba(140,255,129,0.47); /* Body */ --body-background: #272a31; /* Footer */ --footer-background: var(--primary-background); --footer-color: var(--text-color); /* Page Content */ --page-background: none; --page-padding: none; --page-border: none; --page-border-radius: 0; /* Page Title */ --page-title-color: var(--primary-text-color); --page-title-border: var(--basic-border); /* Generic Buttons */ --button-border: 1px solid #2c3340; --button-background: #181d22; --button-hover-border: 1px solid #27415c; --button-hover-background: #27415c; --button-hover-color: #fff; --button-current-background: var(--primary-background); /* Header Icon */ --header-icon: url(; --header-icon-adv: left 1.2em top 1rem no-repeat; --header-icon-size: auto calc(9.5rem - 2.125rem); /* Header Background */ --header-background: url(; /* Set to hidden to enable custom text */ --header-text-visibility: visible; /* Primary Header Text */ --header-font-weight: bold; --header-font: default; --header-color: #fff; --header-font-size: 170%;/* 调整 */ --header-mobile-font-size: 100%; /* Header Tagline Text */ --header-tagline-font-weight: bold; --header-tagline-font-size: 150%; --header-tagline-font: default; --header-tagline-color: var(--primary-text-color); --header-custom-text: ''; --header-tagline-custom-text: ''; --header-tagline-top: unset; --header-tagline-bottom: unset; --header-tagline-left: unset; --header-tagline-right: unset; --header-tagline-text-shadow: unset; --header-mobile-tagline-font-size: 100%; /* Search Bar */ --search-button-background: #1b1f32; --search-button-border: 1px solid #777; --search-button-hover-background: #363f64; --search-button-hover-border: 1px solid #fff; --search-input-hover-border: 1px solid #fff; --search-input-hover-color: #fff; --search-input-color: #33384d; --search-input-hover: #2d3668; --search-input-border: 1px solid #777; /* Sidebar */ --sidebar-divider-color: var(--basic-border-color); --sidebar-header-color: var(--primary-text-color); --sidebar-hover-background: var(--nav-hover-background); --sidebar-hover-color: #fff; --sidebar-color: var(--text-color); --sidebar-mobile-open-menu-color: var(--basic-border-color); --sidebar-mobile-open-menu-border: 3px solid var(--basic-border-color); --sidebar-mobile-open-menu-background: var(--primary-background); --sidebar-mobile-background: var(--primary-background); --sidebar-crit-corner-color: #b5d6ff; /* Topbar */ --topbar-text-color: #aaa; --topbar-dropdown-background: var(--body-background); --topbar-hover-background: var(--nav-hover-background); --topbar-divider: 1px solid var(--topbar-hover-background); --topbar-dropdown-border-color: var(--basic-border-color); --topbar-hover-color: #fff; --topbar-dropdown-color: var(--text-color); /* Link Colors */ --link-color: #5295e1; --link-hover-color: #84b7f5; --new-page-color: #626eb2; --external-graphic-color: var(--star-rating-hue); /* Wikidot Tables */ --table-header-background: var(--content-bar-background); --table-header-background-alt: var(--background-3); --table-header-color: var(--text-color); --table-cell-color: var(--text-color); --table-cell-background: var(--primary-background); --table-border: 1px solid #333; --table-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); /* Tabs */ --tabview-background: var(--primary-background); --tabview-bar-border: none; --tabview-border: none; --tabview-button-background: transparent; --tabview-button-border: none; --tabview-button-selected-background: var(--primary-background); --tabview-button-selected-color: var(--text-color); --tabview-button-hover-background: var(--secondary-background); --tabview-side-tabs-background: #313336; --tabview-side-tabs-box-shadow: 1px 0 1px 1px var(--content-box-shadow-color); --tabview-side-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --tabview-side-border: none; --tabview-side-button-hover-background: var(--tabview-button-hover-background); --tabview-side-button-selected-background: #24272a; --tabview-side-button-divider: 1px solid var(--tabview-side-button-selected-background); --tabview-side-scrollbar-background: var(--content-bar-background); --tabview-side-scrollbar-thumb-background: #313b4a; --tabview-side-scrollbar-thumb-hover-background: #303741; /* Footnotes */ --footnote-border: var(--basic-border); --footnote-background: var(--primary-background); /* Table of Contents */ --toc-border: none; --toc-background: var(--primary-background); --toc-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); /* Content Panels */ --content-panel-border-radius: var(--element-border-radius); --content-panel-background: var(--primary-background); --content-panel-border: none; --content-panel-padding: 10px 20px; --content-panel-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --content-bar-color: #777; --news-block-body-panel-background-even: #1a1c1e; --content-block-border: none; --content-box-border-color: #808080; --nested-content-border: 1px solid #333; /* border of content when inside other content elements (blockquotes, tabview, content-panels, etc.) */ /* Quotes */ --blockquote-background: var(--secondary-background); --blockquote-border: none; --blockquote-border-radius: var(--element-border-radius); --blockquote-padding: 1px 10px; --blockquote-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); /* Image Blocks */ --image-block-caption-background: var(--content-bar-background); --image-block-border: none; --image-block-background: var(--primary-background); --image-block-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); /* Rating Modules */ --star-rating-background: var(--primary-background); --star-rating-border: none; --star-rating-reading-background: #111; --star-rating-decimal-color: var(--text-color); --binary-rating-background: var(--primary-background); --binary-rating-border: none; --star-rating-hue: 0deg; --star-rating-filter: hue-rotate(calc(var(--star-rating-hue) + 350deg)) invert(1) saturate(0.4) brightness(1.3); --star-rating-border-radius: 0px; --star-rating-box-shadow: none; --star-rating-stars-box-shadow: none; --star-rating-cell-background: var(--content-bar-background); --nested-star-rating-border: 1px solid var(--star-rating-cell-background); /* Text Inputs */ --text-box-form-background: #181d22; --text-box-form-border: 1px solid #2c3340; /* Forum Threads */ --forum-thread-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.21); --forum-thread-border: none; --forum-thread-border-radius: 5px; --forum-thread-box-shadow: none; /* Forum Categories */ --forum-category-background-even: #1a1c1e; --forum-category-background-odd: var(--primary-background); /* Code Blocks */ --code-background: #111; --code-border: var(--dashed-border); /* Account Options */ --account-options-background: var(--primary-background); --account-options-border: var(--basic-border); /* Template Block */ --template-block-border: 2px solid #666; --template-block-background: #14141a; /* Pop-Up Boxes */ --modal-body-background: rgba(27,33,37,0.34); --modal-header-background: #14141a; /* Sidenotes */ --sidenote-open-background: #1c2431; --sidenote-closed-background: var(--content-bar-background); --sidenote-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --sidenote-background: var(--primary-background); --sidenote-contents-border: 1px dashed #333; --sidenote-figure-border: 1px solid #333; --sidenote-contents-open-color: var(--text-color); --sidenote-figure-open-color: var(--text-color); --sidenote-contents-closed-color: var(--text-color); --sidenote-figure-closed-color: var(--text-color); /* White Theme Variables */ --WT-element-border-radius: 0px; --WT-basic-border: 1px solid #666; --WT-basic-border-color: #666; --WT-dashed-border: 1px dashed #666; --WT-primary-background: #eee; --WT-secondary-background: #e0e0e0; --WT-background-3: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-background-4: var(--primary-background); --WT-content-bar-background: #c0c0c0; --WT-primary-text-color: #2266bf; --WT-nav-hover-background: #1f317b; --WT-text-color: #333; --WT-horizontal-rule-secondary-background: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-error-color: red; --WT-content-box-shadow-color: #666; --WT-content-box-shadow: none; --WT-show-changes-del-background: rgba(255,0,0,0.47); --WT-show-changes-ins-background: rgba(23,255,0,0.47); --WT-unmargined-color: var(--primary-text-color); --WT-horizontal-rule-background: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-action-area-border: var(--dashed-border); --WT-alert-info-border: var(--dashed-border); --WT-owindow-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-tags-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-body-background: #e8e8e3; --WT-footer-background: #33333f; --WT-footer-color: #c0c0c0; --WT-page-background: none; --WT-page-title-color: var(--primary-text-color); --WT-page-title-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-page-padding: none; --WT-page-border: none; --WT-page-border-radius: 0; --WT-button-border: 1px solid #666; --WT-button-background: #fff; --WT-button-hover-border: 1px solid #000; --WT-button-hover-background: #548de0; --WT-button-hover-color: #000; --WT-button-current-background: #888; --WT-header-icon: url(; --WT-header-icon-adv: left 1.2em top 1rem no-repeat; --WT-header-icon-size: auto calc(9.5rem - 2.125rem); --WT-header-background: url(; --WT-header-text-visibility: visible; --WT-header-font-weight: bold; --WT-header-font: default; --WT-header-color: #fff; --WT-header-font-size: 170%;/* 调整 */ --WT-header-mobile-font-size: 100%; --WT-header-tagline-font-weight: bold; --WT-header-tagline-font-size: 150%; --WT-header-tagline-font: default; --WT-header-tagline-color: #f0f0c0; --WT-header-custom-text: ''; --WT-header-tagline-custom-text: ''; --WT-header-tagline-top: unset; --WT-header-tagline-bottom: unset; --WT-header-tagline-left: unset; --WT-header-tagline-right: unset; --WT-header-tagline-text-shadow: unset; --WT-header-mobile-tagline-font-size: 100%; --WT-search-button-background: #202e60; --WT-search-button-border: 1px solid #aaa; --WT-search-button-hover-background: #1f317b; --WT-search-input-color: #202d60; --WT-search-input-hover: #1e2d77; --WT-search-input-border: 1px solid #aaa; --WT-search-button-hover-border: 1px solid #fff; --WT-search-input-hover-border: 1px solid #fff; --WT-search-input-hover-color: #fff; --WT-sidebar-divider-color: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-sidebar-header-color: var(--primary-text-color); --WT-sidebar-hover-background: var(--nav-hover-background); --WT-sidebar-hover-color: #fff; --WT-sidebar-color: var(--text-color); --WT-sidebar-mobile-open-menu-color: #aaa; --WT-sidebar-mobile-open-menu-border: 3px solid #aaa; --WT-sidebar-mobile-open-menu-background: #fff; --WT-sidebar-mobile-background: #fff; --WT-sidebar-crit-corner-color: unset; --WT-topbar-text-color: #aaa; --WT-topbar-hover-background: #1f317b; --WT-topbar-divider: 1px solid var(--topbar-hover-background); --WT-topbar-dropdown-background: var(--body-background); --WT-topbar-dropdown-border-color: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-topbar-hover-color: #fff; --WT-topbar-dropdown-color: var(--text-color); --WT-link-color: #236ec4; --WT-link-hover-color: var(--link-color); --WT-new-page-color: #7729a4; --WT-table-header-background: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-table-header-background-alt: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-table-header-color: var(--text-color); --WT-table-cell-color: var(--text-color); --WT-table-cell-background: none; --WT-table-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-table-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-tabview-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-tabview-bar-border: 4px solid var(--basic-border-color); --WT-tabview-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-tabview-button-selected-background: #548de0; --WT-tabview-button-hover-background: #8f92a4; --WT-tabview-button-background: transparent; --WT-tabview-button-border: none; --WT-tabview-button-selected-color: var(--text-color); --WT-tabview-side-tabs-background: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-tabview-side-tabs-box-shadow: none; --WT-tabview-side-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-tabview-side-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-tabview-side-button-hover-background: var(--tabview-button-hover-background); --WT-tabview-side-button-selected-background: var(--tabview-button-selected-background); --WT-tabview-side-button-divider: var(--basic-border); --WT-tabview-side-scrollbar-background: #999; --WT-tabview-side-scrollbar-thumb-background: #666; --WT-tabview-side-scrollbar-thumb-hover-background: #555; --WT-footnote-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-footnote-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-toc-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-toc-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-toc-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-content-panel-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-content-panel-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-content-bar-color: #334; --WT-news-block-body-panel-background-even: var(--secondary-background); --WT-content-block-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-content-box-border-color: #888; --WT-nested-content-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-content-panel-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-content-panel-border-radius: var(--element-border-radius); --WT-content-panel-padding: 10px 20px; --WT-blockquote-border: 1px dashed #666; --WT-blockquote-background: var(--secondary-background); --WT-blockquote-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-blockquote-border-radius: var(--element-border-radius); --WT-blockquote-padding: 1px 10px; --WT-image-block-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-image-block-background: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-image-block-caption-background: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-image-block-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-star-rating-background: #214a89; --WT-star-rating-border: 1px solid #10214c; --WT-star-rating-reading-background: var(--basic-border-color); --WT-star-rating-decimal-color: #eee; --WT-star-rating-border-radius: 3px; --WT-star-rating-box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px; --WT-star-rating-stars-box-shadow: none; --WT-star-rating-cell-background: #efeeea; --WT-binary-rating-background: var(--secondary-background); --WT-binary-rating-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-star-rating-filter: none; --WT-star-rating-hue: 0deg; --WT-text-box-form-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-text-box-form-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-code-background: var(--secondary-background); --WT-code-border: var(--dashed-border); --WT-account-options-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-account-options-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-template-block-border: 2px dashed #666; --WT-template-block-background: #ccc; --WT-modal-body-background: #fff; --WT-modal-header-background: var(--content-bar-background)!important; --WT-sidenote-open-background: #548de0; --WT-sidenote-contents-border: var(--dashed-border); --WT-sidenote-figure-border: var(--basic-border); --WT-sidenote-closed-background: var(--content-bar-background); --WT-sidenote-box-shadow: var(--content-box-shadow); --WT-sidenote-background: var(--primary-background); --WT-sidenote-contents-open-color: var(--text-color); --WT-sidenote-figure-open-color: #fff; --WT-sidenote-contents-closed-color: var(--text-color); --WT-sidenote-figure-closed-color: var(--text-color); /* Variables Specific to White Theme */ --WT-open-themes-border: 2px solid #666; --WT-open-themes-background: #1d2022; --WT-open-themes-color: #666; --WT-open-themes-hover-color: #5295e1; --WT-open-themes-hover-border: solid 2px var(--WT-open-themes-hover-color); --WT-misc-1: #c0c0c0; /* Variables Specific to Black Theme */ --BT-open-themes-border: 2px solid #aaa; --BT-open-themes-background: #fff; --BT-open-themes-color: #000; --BT-open-themes-hover-color: #07f; --BT-open-themes-hover-border: solid 2px #5295e1; --BT-scrollbar-background: var(--primary-background); --BT-scrollbar-thumb-background: #273b5a; --BT-scrollbar-thumb-hover-background: #283649; --BT-resizer-background: #191919; } /* Sidebar */ #side-bar { position: absolute; } #side-bar .side-block { padding-right: calc(8.1em - 1px); margin-right: -8.5em; margin-bottom: 30px; } #side-bar .heading { font-size: 1.2em; margin: 1em calc(-1em + 2px) 0.5em 0; font-weight: bold; color: var(--sidebar-header-color); } #side-bar hr { background-color: var(--sidebar-divider-color); width: 220px; } #side-bar a { transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out; display: block; margin: 0 calc(-1em - 1px) 0 -0.5em; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 0.5em; font-size: 12.8px; color: var(--sidebar-color); width: 220px; } #side-bar a:hover { background-color: var(--sidebar-hover-background); color: var(--sidebar-hover-color); text-decoration: none; } #side-bar p { margin: 0; } #side-bar .menu-item a[href="/rpc-series"]::after { font-size: 80%; opacity: 0.7; margin-left: 0.5em; content: "(001-999)" } #side-bar .menu-item a[href=""]::before { content: url(''); position: absolute; left: 15em; } #side-bar .menu-item a[href=""]::before { content: url(''); position: absolute; left: 15em; } #side-bar .menu-item a[href=""]::before { content: url(''); position: absolute; left: 15em; } #main-content { margin: 0 2em 0 21em; padding: 2em 2em calc(14em - 1px) 3em; } li, p { line-height: 141%; word-wrap: break-word; } /* Horizontal Rules */ hr { background: var(--horizontal-rule-background); Margin: 1em 0; } /* Links */ a { color: var(--link-color); text-decoration: none; background: transparent; transition: color 0.5s ease; } a.newpage { color: var(--new-page-color); text-decoration: none; background: transparent; } a:hover { text-decoration: underline; background-color: transparent; color: var(--link-hover-color); } a::after { filter: hue-rotate(var(--external-graphic-color)); } .form-control { width: 95%; } /* Global Width */ #header, #top-bar { width: 90%; max-width: 980px; margin: 0 auto; } /* Header Elements */ div#container-wrap { background: var(--header-background) top left repeat-x; } #header { position: relative; z-index: 10; padding-bottom: 22px; background: var(--header-icon) var(--header-icon-adv); background-size: var(--header-icon-size); height: 144px; } #search-top-box { position: absolute; top: 79px; right: 9px; width: 250px; text-align: right; height: 16px; } #search-top-box-input { transition: background-color 0.5s ease; border: var(--search-input-border); border-radius: 0; color: var(--text-color); background-color: var(--search-input-color); 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